Blackh2o’s Blog

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Financial – 401(k) Advice – Wealth Management and Money Sites!

401(k) Advice
Here is a list taken from research of all the “easy to reach” available Web Sites and Financial sites that offered links of relevance concerning calculators, and investment advice, strategies for saving.

I plan on adding comments and details for each site in the days to come. From “Forbes Favorites” to “Mint” I have searched for the best in education and content.

“Provides free Personal Finance Soft ware to help you manage and budget your finances. Great site!” – This site is for the Institutional Bond and Muni Market folks. I have included it here because the site offers a variety of information on Bonds and the uses of Government bonds for GOOD Government. Help for your 401k tools and resources to help you save and plan for Retirement.

Kiplinger’s Personal Finance Tools, advice, articles and assessments to help you understand how to build your savings and retirement accounts.

MSN Money: Retirement and Wills Videos, articles, tools and resources covering Estate Planning, Retirement, Late retirement starters and more . . .

Motley Fool

401k HelpCenter

T. Rowe Price


And a few More of interest:

Professor Wayne Ferson asked his students to surf the web for the best financial web sites. Here are their top ten sites from December, 1995:
1. Ohio State Information for Investors
2. Mutual Fund Home Page
3. Net Worth
4. Hoover’s Online
5. Wall Street Journal’s Money and Investing Update
7. Ohio State Financial Data
8. Bloomberg
9. Stockmaster
10. Tax World

Google Financial

October 28, 2009 Posted by | 1, Retirement Plans | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Employee Engagement

David Lorenzo Asked LinkedIn:

Question: How do you define Employee Engagement in your company?

My Answer:
One of the many interesting stories that are told in connection with employee engagement; talks a bout a congressional visit to NASA . The point of the visit was to determine if continued funding of the expensive space programs should be granted. The tour of the facility came upon a janitor mopping the floor after hours. One of the congressman asked the janitor, ” what are you doing?” the janitor replied, ” I am helping to put a man on the moon.”

This is what we all can see as true engagement – the understanding and transmission of the vision and priorities of the organization. Wow, is that powerful!

In a nutshell, that is my best example of engagement.

Practical application is found readily in top performing organizations with:

1. Established communication of the vision
2. Understanding of the standards to gage results
3. buy in to deliver the required effort of results.
4. Feedback systems to guide or teak performance.

October 28, 2009 Posted by | 1 | , , , | Leave a comment

Manage What?

The surprising thing about a down-turn in the economy; is all the opportunities it creates for the active observer.

Corporations, Self employed and the recently unemployed are faced with a challenging opportunity. Can I position myself to drive a competitive advantage through the down-turn. Much like watching a skilled player struggling with his/her shot. Can they continue to perform execute in a high pressure, stressful environment.

I attended the Human Resources – Missouri State Conference and got hold of a most influential CD called the Four Disciplines from Franklyn Covey. I listened to it for several weeks and noticed a change in my approach and interactions with customers and employees.

The best tool that will point you to success is the ability to manage yourself.

October 10, 2009 Posted by | 1 | , , | Leave a comment